Mindful Compassion and Tolerance

Melissa Batista
2 min readJun 8, 2021

Our world is living rough times since 2020 all over the world we are going through a global pandemic and an economic recession due to the pandemic, our world right now needs a ton of compassion and tolerance, Our world besides economic recessions and pandemics is having hate crimes and race crimes as well.
It’s a very sensitive topic but I want to approach it in terms of mindful compassion and tolerance.
As we have spoken before in this blog broken people break other people, harmed people harm other people, our actions with other human beings it’s a reflection of the wounds we have not healed inside.
It’s unusual to see compassionate people hurting other people, When we cultivate compassion, tolerance, and love in our hearts our empathy grows stronger and we feel ache when we see acts of violence or hate, It’s in emphatic people’s nature to feel this way, I have spoken before in this blog that I am very emphatic, vibrational and perceptive so these topics from time to time ache my heart.
I want to share a beautiful quote that I read about humanity and give you my insight because I find it sheds light on mindful compassion and tolerance.
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean: if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty” — Mahatma Gandhi
I strongly believe in humanity and their ability to make a mind-shift and a positive change, there is a group of us that it’s doing their best, and I include myself always in the group of people in pro of goodness and compassion.
So why this quote speaks to me deeply you might ask?
Because it shows to not lose sight that there will always be a major group of people that it’s doing the good and the correct thing even though there will always be some people that decide to the wrong or incorrect or intolerant.
Put your hands in your heart and ask yourself today, How can I cultivate a daily behavior of compassion and tolerance in this pandemic time we are living and that it last longer than the pandemic years itself.
With Love,
Mel B

